Ah Ireland…
Magnificent old yews, hawthorns, oaks; abundant, fragrant herbs, hedgerows teeming with life,
and greenness… oh the greenness of it all. Does anywhere do green as fully as Ireland? The day
may begin in clouds and showery mists, but then deliver up its’ glory with a flash of sun here
and there as the hours move along. When the sun comes, the green is even more delirious.
In a land that used to be thick with ancient forests, only 2% still remain, thanks to colonization
and industrialization. However, we met many who are deeply invested in the ancient
woodlands, cultivating more trees, and more relationship with the earth. Like everywhere,
those who are awake are working hard, with passion and skill, to honor and revive the old ways
of deep relationship with land and spirit. Wild Routes Ireland collects such people, teaches us
all, and I cannot recommend their once or twice a year trips in the west of Ireland enough.
A wonderful book that I read after this trip is To Speak for the Trees by Diana
Beresford-Kroeger.It seems the trees are really trying to get our attention through all of these
new books coming out about them!
I returned home with a deeper love and seeing for my own oaks and redwoods, and now get to
live that forward. Our trees are calling.
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