Dancing With Uncertainty
Learning to Navigate a Life Altering Illness
A Day Walk in Nature
By Deborah Greene-Jacobi
When faced with a life-altering illness, our known way of being can be deeply challenged. Our mind, body, psyche and spirit are cracked open to uncertainty. How do we learn to live and dance with this uncertainty while still choosing healing and life? How can we find anchors, resilience, strength, courage -even joy?
On June 11, 2022 six courageous individuals came onto the wild land to explore their own Dance with Uncertainty. Five women and one man came with deeply personal stories and intentions…facing recurrences of cancer, early stage Alzheimer’s dementia, the health challenges of a beloved, friend or client.
A circle was created under the welcoming oaks of Sugarloaf Ridge Park with an altar in the center to hold the prayers, intentions and stories of the day. On the center altar were painted rocks naming some of the qualities that might be invited into the ceremony and onto the land for healing and incorporation this day. Participants were invited to find and pick up a quality they wanted to take out on the land with them and speak their intentions.
Loving Kindness…Grace…Mercy…Truth…Heart…Love were chosen.
One by one, each quality inspired intention was spoken tenderly to the center of the circle.
To embrace and listen to all that presents with curiosity, love and acceptance.
To enter into the sacred that is open, unformed but holds what is possible, authentic and true.
To find company in the face of a traumatic diagnosis.
To build a measure of mercy and grace as I face this this challenge with my beloved.
To learn to nurture myself through these moments and be available to support others.
To have an experience with God.
Each participant was ceremonially sent across the threshold into 4 hours of solo time on the wild land to receive reflection and healing. After regathering in council in the afternoon healing stories from the land were told. Again and again wisdom was shared and mirrored back by the guides. A sense of peace, belonging and being held emerged…grace, truth, loving kindness and joy remembered. A great sense of calm and radiance shone through each person.
The Earth shared her medicine as each individual spoke to the gifts received.
The bones of who I am are still here.
I need more days like this.
I can let myself be held and be with what is.
There is beauty everywhere.
I feel strong, present, peaceful and alive.
I feel so nurtured by this Earth medicine.
What is love? What about joy? What is true for me? I am going the right way.
I felt Divine Presence.
My cells are singing the song of God.
Called by the theme and supported by this wild land, each individual received their own insights, their own true healing. Such precious gifts received…
As precious and as powerful as a Day Walk in Nature
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