The most radical thing anyone of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world.
Joanna Macy
Over the course of these past years, we at EarthWays, like many people and organizations, have been pursuing a deep inquiry about justice issues. We are continuing to increase our awareness of the centuries of injustices, and we take a strong stance against them. Race, gender expression, sexual orientation, economic class, and the environment have all been under scrutiny. EarthWays as a collective has embarked on an intentional journey to open ourselves up to all the ways justice and injustice manifest in our lives, collectively and individually.
In framing our work about justice—racial, social, environmental—we found that if we spoke about racial justice only, that gender and sexuality issues were excluded. Or if we spoke about social justice, the environment was not included. We are clear that our primary focus is on restoring our human relationship with the natural world. We arrived at relational justice as the term that most represents all forms of justice to which we have committed ourselves. We are committed to recognizing and transforming the toxic effects of white supremacy, all forms of “othering”, which benefits the few by seeing other people and places as disposable. We recognize that justice, wellness and love are deeply interconnected, and we aim to cultivate these qualities in every corner of our lives. From this place we move forward with our programs of restoring our relationship with all beings and the natural world.