What Matters Most

Pomo Canyon Near the Sonoma Coast, CA

Tending, Mending and Nurturing all of Our Relationships with the Earth and Each Other


Cascadia Quest

Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest Wenatchee, WA

Offered by Peerspirit

Clear Desert Mirror

Mojave National Preserve CA

A Contemplative Retreat in the Wild


Breaking and Mending

Riddell Preserve Healdsburg, CA

Where Grief, Gratitude and Beauty Coexist: A Self-Generated Ceremony on the Land


Walk Through the Fire

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Kenwood, CA

A Ceremonial Circle Near the Start of Fire Season

$100 – $160

The Elder’s Journey

Baker Creek Campground Big Pine, CA

Offered by the School of Lost Borders

Dancing With Uncertainty

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Kenwood, CA

Learning to Navigate a Life-Altering Illness - A Day Walk in Nature

$80 – $120

Open Desert, Open Mind

Death Valley CA

This desert wilderness program for contemplatives is offered by the School of Lost Borders.

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