Dancing With Uncertainty

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park Kenwood, CA

Learning to Navigate a Life-Altering Illness - A Day Walk in Nature

$80 – $120

Creating and Aligning with Meaningful Work

Sonoma Coast Beach Sonoma County, CA

A Spring Equinox invitation to consider your relationship with work.   Are you questioning your relationship with work? What is my calling

$60 – $120

Under the Grandmother Tree – Full with Wait List

HELEN PUTNAM REGIONAL PARK 411 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma, CA

The First of Two Barebones Programs in This Time of Transition We drift through this gray, increasing nowhere Until we stand before

$80 – $120

Follow Your Bliss – Full With Wait List

Sonoma Coast Beach Sonoma County, CA

Walking in nature in search of your heart’s deepest desire The way to find out about your happiness is to keep your

$80 – $120

Reframing with Beginner’s Mind

North Sonoma Mountain Park

Instead of changing something in your life, change it by seeing it anew. Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease

$60 – $120

Quiet Forest, Quiet Mind

Location TBD

Coming Home to True Nature …  I breathe my way into wholeness and healing. Inhalation. Exhalation. Each Breath a “yes,” and a

$300 – $450

Under the Grandmother Tree – Full With Wait List

HELEN PUTNAM REGIONAL PARK 411 Chileno Valley Road, Petaluma, CA

The Second of Two Barebones Programs in This Time of Transition We drift through this gray, increasing nowhere Until we stand before

$80 – $120

Wild and Awake

Sonoma County Location TBD, CA

Wild Love: The Heart Responds

$350 – $500

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